Morphy Richards Bagless Cylinder Vacuum Cleaner User Manual Page 4

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FFoorr AAddvviiccee,, SSppaarreess oorr AAcccceessssoorriieess,, tteell:: 00884455 007777 77770000 ((UUKK)) oorr 11880000 440099 111199 ((IIrreellaanndd))
1 Fit the hose to the cleaner by
inserting the hose end into the
hose inlet . When removing,
squeeze the clips either side
and pull.
2 Attach the tube(s): either the 2
separate attachable tubes, or
the single telescopic tube
(dependant on model).
For the telescopic tube, extend
to the required length by
pushing up the slider release
and pulling out the tube A.
The hose handle features an
airflow regulator which allows
suction to be reduced as
3 Attach your choice of floor
nozzle to the end of the tube Î.
Combination floor
The combination floor nozzle
can be adjusted to suit different
floor surfaces. Retract the
brushes for use on carpet. The
brushes should be down for use
on hardfloors or damage may
Hand tools
The crevice tool Ú (for awkward
places, behind radiators etc)
and the upholstery nozzle
with clip on brush Ò (for
curtains and upholstery) are
stored in the tool drawer · B.
Using the turbo
(certain models only)
Attach the turbo nozzle Ó to
the telescopic tubes.
This nozzle is ideal for carpet
and especially effective at
removing pet hair.
Cleaning the turbo
The turbo nozzle should be
regularly cleaned and any hairs
or fibres wrapped around the
brush bar removed to maintain
optimum performance.
Hardfloor nozzle
(certain models only)
Attach the hardfloor nozzle Ì
to the telescopic tubes. This
nozzle is ideal for use on wood,
laminate, tile and vinyl flooring.
Hair and Stair tool
(certain models only)
This tool Ô is suitable for
cleaning the stairs, and when
the additional attachment is
added, it is ideal for picking up
human and pet hair.
71067 Rev2 29/10/07 15:24 Page 4
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