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22IMPORTANTSAFETYINSTRUCTIONSThe use of any electricalappliance requires thefollowing common sensesafety rules.Primarily there is danger ofinjury or d
FEATURES⁄ Hose inlet¤ Dust canister‹ Dust canister releasebutton› Carrying handlefi On/off power switchfl Eco Switch‡ Parking slot· Tool storage drawer‚
44FFoorr AAddvviiccee,, SSppaarreess oorr AAcccceessssoorriieess,, tteell:: 00884455 007777 77770000 ((UUKK)) oorr 11880000 440099 111199
55Quick guide to accessories:CONTROLSPower1 Assemble with the requiredhose, tube and accessory2 Pull out the mains cable to it’sfull length and plug i
66FFoorr AAddvviiccee,, SSppaarreess oorr AAcccceessssoorriieess,, tteell:: 00884455 007777 77770000 ((UUKK)) oorr 11880000 440099 111199
77Exhaust filterThe exhaust filter  is locatedat the rear of the cleaner. Pressthe catch and pull the exhaustgrille ‰ away F. Pull thebottom of the f
888Morphy Richards products are intended for household use only.Morphy Richards has a policy of continuous improvement in product quality anddesign. T
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65UB9300 | Technický list LG 65UB9300 Specification Sheet, 2 stránky |
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32LM6200.AWF | Datový list LG 32LM6200 31.5" Full HD Smart TV Wi-Fi Black, 2 stránky |
42LM5800 | Datový list LG 42LM5800 42" Full HD 3D compatibility Black LED TV, 2 stránky |
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